3-Year Financial Projection Help Guide
Use your Start-up and Operating Costs Worksheet information to help you make your 3-year financial projections calculations.
Cost of Sales calculation includes:
Cost of Sales calculator: https://calculator.academy/unit-product-cost-calculator/
***Cost of sales calculation is used to find the total cost of producing 1 product***
2. How many products did you intend to produce per day? _________
3. Multiply the cost of producing one product by the number of products you intend to produce per day to get the total daily production cost. ______________
4. Multiply the cost of products produced per (from step 3) day by 30 to get the total monthly production cost. ________________
Price Point calculation:
Use the cost of producing 1 product and multiply your percentage markup and add this value back to your cost of sales to achieve your price point.
Example: Cost to make 1 product is $10 x 20% markup = $2.00
$10.00 + $2.00 = $12.00 You will charge $12.00 for each product sold.
Sales and Revenues Calculation: --needed for your 3-year financial projection
Multiply the number of sales you will make per month x your price point to determine your Sales and Revenue.
Sales and Revenue = Sales per month x price point
Example: 300 x $12.00 = $3,600
Enter this value into the Sales and Revenue column for “month” on your 3-year financial projection.
On your 3-year financial projection, the pre-tax loss will show up as a number in parenthesis indicating you showed a loss. The pre-tax profit will not have a parenthesis indicating you showed a profit.
Quarters 1, 2, 3, and 4 Calculations:
For Quarters 2, 3, and 4: Sales and Revenues, Materials, Shipping and Outsourced costs
**Keep advertising, facility rent, management and administration, labor, and utilities costs the same for the first year.**
Year 1, 2, and 3 Calculations:
For Year 1: All line items
For Year 2: Sales and Revenues, Materials, Shipping and Outsourced costs
For Year 3: Sales and Revenues, Materials, Shipping and Outsourced costs
For Start-Up Costs and Investments:
For Year 1, 2, and 3
****All formulas can be edited or deleted****