Abstract Template

Abstract Template

Abstract Template






OBJECTIVE: Write one sentence to summarize the problem or question (why this research needs to be conducted and why it’s important). Write one sentence of background information to give your study context. Then, in one sentence, write the hypothesis or engineering design statement.

METHODS AND MATERIALS: In one or two sentences, briefly explain the experimental or prototype design and materials used.

RESULTS: In two to three sentences, describe the most important results of the research. 

CONCLUSION: In one or two sentences, write what can be concluded from this study. 

OPTIONAL: In  one sentence, write what implications this research may have or what future studies need to be done. 

Other tips: 

  1. Maximum 250 words; avoid verbosity-- get to the point  
  1. Avoid using first person too much (once or twice is okay) 
  1. Abstract can be written as one paragraph-- subheadings are provided to help with organization

Example 1:

Biofortification increases the nutritional value of food crops by increasing the vitamin and carotenoid content. (OBJECTIVE) The objective of this research was to determine if a feed supplement including a high carotene-containing fruit in combination with high xanthophyll-containing petals could be used to produce a more nutritious quail egg that contains higher levels of both provitamin A (βcarotene and β-cryptoxanthin) and non-provitamin A (lutein and zeaxanthin) carotenoids important for human health and vision. (METHODS AND MATERIALS) Treatments included poultry feed only (control) and five supplements: marigold petals + tomato fruit, squash, squash + marigold, pumpkin, and pumpkin + marigold. Yolk color was measured using the yolk fan, and the carotenoid concentration in egg yolks was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. (RESULTS) All feed supplements resulted in darker yolks with higher yolk fan scores than control yolks. The darkest yolks were from the pumpkin + marigold diet, followed by the squash + marigold and the tomato + marigold diets. Egg yolks from all treatments containing marigolds had higher levels of lutein and zeaxanthin than the individual squash or pumpkin treatments. Pumpkin + marigold had the highest concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin in the yolks and significantly more β-cryptoxanthin than control yolks. All the supplements resulted in β-carotene deposition in the yolks, while control yolks had no detectable β-carotene. (CONCLUSION) Combining marigold petals with orange fruits resulted in deposition of both provitamin A and non-vitamin A carotenoids in egg yolks, resulting in more nutritious eggs than quail diets with individual supplements. 

Example 2:

(OBJECTIVE) Drones are infamous for their noise, and unfortunately, growing usage of UAVs across disciplines have increased noise pollution to negatively impact human health and the environment. Owls are known for their silent flight, with fringes at the trailing edges and leading edges of their feathers mitigating turbulent eddies and vortices, and thus, noise. (METHODS AND MATERIALS) This feature was implemented in a biomimetic propeller design for this project, observing the effects of each feature in question individually, as well as in conjunction to observe trailing-edge and leading-edge serration interaction. One control and five modified propellers with serrations were designed and 3D printed by the author, each possessing equal parameters. The trailing-edge fringes of the modified propellers were triangular with a height to wavelength ratio of 0.33:1, respectively. The leading-edge serrations had 1:1 height-to-base ratio. (RESULTS) The thrust and SPL at seven different speeds were recorded from 4000 RPM to 1000 RPM at 1000 RPM increments, propellers that had both trailing-edge and leading-edge serrations were able to reduce noise at all RPMs, with a maximum of a 3.1 dBA reduction. Frequency analysis also revealed that noise levels by the control propellers were the greatest across the middle frequencies (human hearing range). Additionally, these modified propellers that possessed both features were able to increase thrust by 17.9%, a considerable improvement from last year’s designs that were tested. (CONCLUSION)This project proved that propellers with biomimetic features can reduce noise pollution and energy consumption, in hopes of a more sustainable, noise-free future.

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