**When working through this document, complete ALL Action Steps. Keep all underlined bold headings. Delete all instructions after you complete each section.**
Action Step:
- Copy and paste your Abstract here-- See the Abstract Template (in ProjectBoard) for instructions on how to write your abstract.
Action Step:
- Copy and paste your Statement of Problem/Question from your Research Plan here.
- Copy and paste your Hypothesis from your Research Plan here.
- Copy and paste your Background Research from your Research Plan here.
Methods and Materials
Use the information from your Research Plan for guidance but be sure to describe what you actually did-- not what you planned to do. Be specific so that anyone could repeat your process.
Action Step:
- Explain how you will design your experiment to test your hypothesis.
Action Steps:
- List all of the materials and equipment needed.
- Explain how the materials will be prepared
- Optional: Identify the brand of the materials you used.
Action Step:
- Write your step-by-step procedure in paragraph form.
Presentation of Data and Results
Action Steps:
- Insert figures including: data tables, graphs, diagrams, or images (label graph axes and data table columns, include titles, and legends)
- Write one or more paragraphs describing the results shown from each figure–include trends, relationships, and outliers (write so that the reader would know the results of your experiment without looking at the figures)
Interpretation of Results and Discussion
A common way to start the Discussion is “My findings suggest…”; “This study demonstrates…”; “These results suggest…”; etc. In the discussion you will interpret your results in detail. Then, connect your interpretation of your results with your hypothesis.
Action Steps:
- Restate your hypothesis.
- Compare your results with results from other studies.
- Explain if your results supported or did not support your hypothesis (are the results what you thought they would be or not?)
- Provide a scientific analysis of why you think you obtained these results. (Use information from your background research to support your reasoning).
- Discuss experimental errors and offer ideas for improvements.
- Connect the results back to your hypothesis. (Did your experiment accurately test your hypothesis?)
Provide a closing to your project. Possible topics for your conclusion (in no particular order) are below:
Action Steps:
- Accept or reject your hypothesis and provide supporting evidence.
- Discuss successes and potential changes you would make if you were to continue this project.
- Discuss areas for further investigation including questions or ideas that came up during your project.
- Explain the importance of your research and how your findings could benefit other scientists.
Action Step:
- Acknowledge or thank people or organizations that helped you with your project
Action Step:
- List your references in alphabetical order using APA or MLA-style formatting. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/