How to Register as a Judge for Ohio Academy of Science Competitions on ProjectBoard

How to Register as a Judge for Ohio Academy of Science Competitions on ProjectBoard

To register as a judge for the Ohio Academy of Science (OAS) competitions on ProjectBoard, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Access the Judge Registration Portal

  1. Go to the OAS page on ProjectBoard by visiting
  2. Scroll down the page and click on the Judge Portal button.

Step 2: Start the Registration Process

  1. Once on the Judge Portal, click on the red "Apply Now" button to begin the registration.
  2. A sign-up form will appear where you need to enter your basic details such as:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Username
    • Password
  3. After filling out this information, click Continue.

Step 3: Provide Personal Information

You will now be asked to complete additional information in the following forms:

Form 1: Personal Information

  • Enter your personal information including:
    • Title
    • Address
    • City
    • County (Start typing your county name and select from the dropdown options. If you are from outside Ohio, type "Out of State" and select that option.)
    • State
    • ZIP Code
    • Phone number

Form 2: Skills and Experience

  • Answer questions related to your skills and experience relevant to judging.

Form 3: Program Preferences

  • Select the programs that you are interested in judging. You may select multiple programs.
  • Depending on the programs you select, you may be asked additional questions to better match you to the right judging opportunities.

Step 4: Submit Your Application

  • Once you have filled out all the required information, submit the application.
  • You will be redirected to the Judge Confirmation page.
  • Additionally, you will receive an email confirmation with details about the next steps.

Step 5: Update Your Information (Optional)

  • If you need to update any information after registering, you can do so by visiting your profile:
    1. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of ProjectBoard.
    2. Select Profile from the dropdown menu.
    3. On your profile page, click on the blue "Judge" button to reopen the three registration forms and update any necessary information.

Need Assistance?

  • For technical support, please contact us at:
  • For competition-related questions, you can reach the Ohio Academy of Science at:

By following these steps, you'll be successfully registered as a judge and ready to contribute to the Ohio Academy of Science events!