How to Transform a Science Day Project into an Ohio STEP Project

How to Transform a Science Day Project into an Ohio STEP Project

How to Transform a Science Day Project into an Ohio STEP Project 

Scientific Method or Meta Analysis project transformation: 
  1.  You have already identified a question or problem, created your hypothesis, and conducted background research!  You have completed much of the beginning work for Ohio STEP! 
  1. Review the research and discussion/conclusion sections of your Science Day paper to begin thinking about how you  can apply your information to create an innovative product or service. 

Engineering Design project transformation: 
  1. You have already identified a problem, developed a solution, conducted background research, and designed a prototype!  You have completed much of the beginning work for Ohio STEP! 
  1. Review the research and discussion/conclusion sections of your Science Day paper to ensure that a problem or market opportunity has been clearly identified and an innovative solution has been proposed. 

All Science Day Projects: 
  1. Review each “Ohio STEP Section” and make sure you have addressed any “Action Step” not already included in your Science Day project. 
  1. Pay close attention to the “Solution/STEM Research” Section, which may involve conducting additional STEM background research or exploring new concepts related to the addition of a new problem, solution, or change from your original Science Day project. 

Example 1: Student conducted an experiment on which essential oil kills the most bacteria. Their results showed Peppermint oil kills the most bacteria. Can the student develop a product or service based on their research and experimental results? 

Example 2: Student conducted an experiment that compared electrolytes in sports drinks and post athletic recovery. Their results showed the electrolyte combination of potassium and calcium worked the best in post athletic recovery. Can the student develop a product or service based on their research and experimental results?

Getting Started: 
  1. Email if you would like to participate in Ohio STEP.  You will receive an email with a class code and information about Ohio STEP.
  2. Visit and select “Student”
  3. Fill out the account creation questions and add the class code. 
  4. Students will select “Start New Project”, then under “I want to develop a project” choose “Ohio STEP”.
  5. Students in grades 6-8 will choose the Summary and Pitch project.
  6. Students in grades 9-12 will choose either the STEM Business Plan or the STEM Commercialization Plan.

Why participate in both? 

Science Day introduces students to methods and processes used in science and how these approaches are used to discover new knowledge and solve problems. 

Ohio STEP introduces students to the intersection of STEM innovation and entrepreneurship and equips students with the mindset, skills, and knowledge to navigate the market landscapes of the entrepreneurial world. 

Benefits to participating in both!

Short Term Benefits: Both Science Day and Ohio STEP provide opportunity for student awards! Cash awards and scholarships are available at successive competition levels but vary somewhat in each program. In addition, these projects provide students with opportunities to explore potential career pathways. 

Long Term Benefits: Both programs are recognized as positive additions to any application or resume, and scholarships and cash awards can help students meet their post-secondary education goals! 

Visit our website at: for more information!

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