ProjectBoard Student Account Required Information

ProjectBoard Student Account Required Information

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This year we are using an online platform, ProjectBoard   Students can create and submit their projects for Ohio Academy of Science Competitions (Science Days or Ohio STEP). Below are the questions that will be asked as part of the process. Please fill out items marked with an * with your student and return this form by ___________________________________.

Student ProjectBoard Information

Teacher    : ___________________________________________________   Class Code: _______________

*Student First and Last Name: ___________________________________________________________     

Account Creation ProjectBoard Information

*Student Non-School Email: ______________________________________________________________

Student - if you created an account last year, please use the same username and password. The username will be the student's Non-School email. Parent email can be used if a student does not have a personal email address.

*Password: __________________________________________________   

*Circle one:     Individual Project     or      Team Project#          

#Teammate Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________

Project Title: __________________________________________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian Name 1: ______________________________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian Email 1: _______________________________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian Phone 1: ______________________________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian Name 2: ______________________________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian Email 2: _______________________________________________________________

*Parent/Guardian Phone 2: ______________________________________________________________

*Student Mailing Address (House Number and Street): ________________________________________

*Student City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________________

*Student Home County: _________________________________________________________________

*School Name:________________________________________________________________________

Used for grant reporting:

*Student Gender (Circle one):  

Prefer Not to Respond             Female            Male                 

Non-Binary-Non-Conforming        Transgender Female     Transgender Male

*Student Ethnicity/Race (Circle one):      

Prefer Not to Respond                 American Indian or Alaska Native

Black or African American            Hispanic or Latino     

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander    Asian                  White