Science Day Topic Worksheet

Science Day Topic Worksheet


Choose a Science Day Topic    Name:____________________                

1. Brainstorm all of your interests here. Think of activities or things that interest you or maybe something you’ve always wondered about. Use simple one-word ideas like plants, worms, cars, sports, fishing.....


2. Circle 3 of the ideas above that you like BEST.


3. Now look very carefully at your 3 choices. Which ONE do you already know something about AND really CARE about? Underline that word. Can’t decide? Keep brainstorming. It will come to you. 


Your underlined word could be the start to your project. Your underlined word could be your TOPIC. 

4. If the above exercise did not work for you and you still do not have an idea for a project visit the following websites for inspiration!

Science Buddies

Science Bob

Ohio Heartland Science 

Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program – Project Ideas 

Ohio Soybean Council

Topic & Background Research Form

This is a general idea. It doesn’t have to be specific now and it can be modified or changed later. (Completion of this form is optional and for Local Fair use only)                    

A. Science Fair Topic: _______________________________________________ (Examples: Sports, Medicine, Chemistry, Animals, Physics)                    

B. Possible questions related to this topic:Ex:Does Icy Hot work as well as justice? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________     

C. Topic Research: Research here means finding background information on your topic. This is NOT your experimental information. Identify where you plan to do your background research and how you plan to do it. Examples: use of library books, print or online journals, internet, encyclopedias, interview with expert (identify if possible), etc. You should neatly store everything you find in ProjectBoard, even if it doesn’t seem to be useful now (it might be later). Cite sources for everything. The more places you look, the more you’ll find!


D. What subtopics are going to be the focus of your research? (Examples: If my topic is chemistry I may research acids/bases, culinary chemistry, organic compounds, etc.) 

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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