STEM Commercialization Proof of Concept Worksheet

STEM Commercialization Proof of Concept Worksheet

Commercialization Plan Proof of Concept Worksheet

You are now ready to take the information that you have researched about the science, technology, engineering, and/or math topics that support your product or service solution and expand on that research to fully develop your evidence and logically state that your solution will work. 

Activity #1 STEM Background

1a. Consider how you might provide additional research for the Cooling Pillow from Section 2.  Read the article below.  Note how the research idea progressed from a large goal and an experiment designed to test the researchers’ theory, to an additional experiment creating a product to further test that theory, then taking that proof of concept to manufacturing partners to assess its commercialization potential.  

Engineered Mattress Tricks Your Body to Fall Asleep Faster By Nat Levy July 20, 2022 

1b. Consider how this article might provide additional support for the developers of the Cooling Pillow and build upon the information found in the article Effects of Two Kinds of Pillow on Thermoregulatory Responses During Night Sleep explored in Section 2: Solution/STEM Research in the Curriculum PowerPoint.

Activity #2 STEM Application

Writing your STEM Proof of Concept will involve following the steps of an argumentative essay. Read these articles for the key points in developing your written STEM Plan. 

Research Papers: Argument or Analysis? By METROWC1 at Metro Community College’s Writing Centers,other%20perspectives%20on%20an%20issue.&text=The%20goal%20of%20an%20argument,merits%20of%20a%20debatable%20topic

Argumentative Essays: What is an Argumentative Essay?  by Purdue Online Writing Lab,should%20present%20the%20thesis%20statement.

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