Welcome to ProjectBoard! Our platform is designed for anyone looking to bring their community together through the projects they do. Whether you're organizing, managing, or hosting a virtual project showcase for an event, in the classroom, or at work, ProjectBoard has you covered.
At ProjectBoard, we recognize that different user roles have different requirements. It is essential to identify your user type when creating an account to ensure that your account has the relevant features enabled for your user type. Here are the different types of user accounts available on ProjectBoard:
1. Student
Students can use ProjectBoard to build their projects, showcase them, and share them with friends. They can explore last year's projects to get inspiration, receive feedback from teachers and mentors, and submit their projects to different fairs.
- Build and showcase projects
- Explore past projects
- Receive feedback from teachers and mentors
- Submit projects to fairs
2. Teacher
Teachers can use ProjectBoard to help students develop ideas and showcase them to classmates and family. They can create classes, review student projects, provide feedback, and organize all student work under their class.
- Create and manage classes
- Review and provide feedback on student projects
- Access student projects
3. Judge
Judges can use ProjectBoard to view and assess student projects and provide feedback to students.
- View and assess student projects
- Provide feedback to students
4. Mentor
Mentors can view projects on ProjectBoard, supervise, assist, and motivate students along their learning journey.
- View student projects
- Supervise and assist students
- Provide motivation and feedback
Checking and Updating Your User Type
If you have an existing account and would like to check what type of account you have, follow these steps:
1. Click on your profile image at the top right corner of the page.
2. Click on "Profile".
3. On your profile page, you will see a button displaying your user type. You can click this button to see and/or update your account info.
In case your account is of the incorrect type, you can always change your account type by clicking the "Register Now" link on the correct portal:
Need Help?
If you have any other questions about user types or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at
oas@projectboard.zohodesk.com. We're here to assist you every step of the way!