Video Worksheet 5 Proposing Solutions

Video Worksheet 5 Proposing Solutions


Video Worksheet 5:  Proposing Solutions                                    Name:____________________________

Objective: Why is important to research and be flexible when coming up with solutions to problems?

Entrepreneurs and innovators come up with ideas to solve problems.  They must be ready to have their ideas challenged, broken down, and maybe even scrapped.  Flexibility, thinking critically, confidence, and motivation are essential qualities for innovators and entrepreneurs.  Identifying, researching, and using resources can bring change and often results in a pivot.  


Niche A small segment of the market or population where a product or service might be sold. 

Outsource–In business, it is the practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services. 

Pivot–To change direction to accommodate an unforeseen circumstance.

Incubator–Support and resources to help people start new businesses.

PrototypeA first model of something from which other forms are developed.

After-watching debrief:  

  1. When proposing a solution to a problem, why is it important to research if your solution already exists? 

  1. If an entrepreneur finds that their exact idea already exists, what steps can they take to differentiate their product or service?

  1. Research local business incubators in your area and provide a list of resources they typically provide to entrepreneurs.

  1. Why is it important for entrepreneurs to find incubators and mentors to support their endeavors?

  1. Jorge, Patricia, Kamal, Brendan, Sophia and Billy have reached out to resources beyond themselves.  List one additional resources that each of these entrepreneurs used to improve their ideas. 

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