Video Worksheet 7 Who Can Benefit from your Solution

Video Worksheet 7 Who Can Benefit from your Solution



Video Worksheet 7Who Can Benefit from Your Solution?         Name:__________________________

Objective:  What is marketing and why is it important to identify your target market?

People have limited money with which to purchase goods and services. They make choices every day as to what they value enough to purchase.  Finding the target market is essential to an entrepreneur’s success. 


Marketing–The activity or process for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large (American Marketing Association)

Marketing includes:  production, distribution, and advertising.

B2C–Business to consumer marketing. 

B2B–Business to business marketing.

Target marketA group of consumers most likely to buy a product or service. 

After‐watching debrief:   

1. This video describes how to find your target market.  What questions did the author ask to identify his target market for window screen patches?

2. The video explains markets B2B and B2C.  Complete the chart for the entrepreneurs mentioned in the video, indicating whether they operate in a B2B or B2C market.





3. Marketing is much more than advertising. What other important components make up a marketing plan.

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