Project Template
Explore Past Projects in ProjectBoard Slide Deck Tutorial
View this slide deck for a step by step process showing how to EXPLORE past projects in ProjectBoard!
How to Start a Project in ProjectBoard Slide Deck Tutorial
View this slide deck for a step by step process showing how to start a PROJECT in ProjectBoard!
Can I change project template after project creation?
Once you create a project using a template, you cannot change or convert it to another template later. Make sure to select the right template type before starting the project. Here is a guide on project templates.
How do I customize my project
Once you've selected a template, you will be directed to your project page. Here, you can customize essential details, such as the project title, description, and even add an image to represent your project.
Why should I use a project template?
Using a project template offers several benefits. It helps ensure consistency among project submissions, provides a clear structure for presenting information, and streamlines the evaluation process for reviewers or judges and mentors. Templates also ...
Understanding and Using Project Templates on ProjectBoard
A project template is a pre-designed framework or guide that provides a structured format for participants to upload their work during the Project Submission Period. It outlines the specific sections or elements required to present your ideas, ...
How can I delete a project that I started?
Open any project you’ve started Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the right side Click on the Trashcan icon to delete your project In the ‘Delete Project’ modal that pops up, click ‘Yes, Delete’ button to confirm deletion of your project
Where can I find a project that I previously created?
ProjectBoard is a platform where you can organize, manage, and host virtual projects, whether for an event or in the classroom. If you need to find projects you've previously created, follow these steps: Go to the 'My Projects' Page: Log in to your ...
How to create a project on ProjectBoard?
To get started with your project on ProjectBoard, follow these steps: Log In and Start Your Project: Log into your ProjectBoard account at Click the "Start Project" button located in the upper right corner. Select a ...